Tour de France 2017: Stages 15-21

Stage 15:

Monday Morning DS: Landa, you da real MVP.

stage 15

Stage 16:

Monday Morning DS: Matthews winning all the Sagan stages.

stage 16

Stage 17:


stage 17

Stage 18:

Monday Morning DS: Bardet - get yellow or die tryin.

stage 18

Stage 19:

Monday Morning DS: EBH getting laid tonight for the first time in six years.

stage 19

Stage 20:

Monday Morning DS: OJ's parole hearing was more interesting than this Tour.

stage 20

Stage 21:

Monday Morning DS: Greipel ROFL. Everyone is RIP and he still can't win. Surprised Froome didn't beat him.

stage 21

Tour de France 2017: Stages 8-14

Stage 8:

Monday Morning DS: Alright, I'll call you Jane.

stage 8

Stage 9:

Monday Morning DS: Another one bites the dust; Froome can win just by not crashing out.

stage 9

Stage 10:

Monday Morning DS: I'm weak as fuck right now. Should change my name to Greipel.

stage 10

Stage 11:

Monday Morning DS: Fuck Kittel.

stage 11

Stage 12:

Monday Morning DS: ROFL Froome got Froome-d by Landa.

stage 12

Stage 13:

Monday Morning DS: Haimar Zebeldia is still racing???

stage 13

Stage 14:

Monday Morning DS: LOL EBH third, can't make this shit up.

stage 14

Tour de France 2017: Stages 1-7

Another Tour, another year of collage postcards with quotes from the Monday Morning DS!

Stage 1:

Monday morning DS: RIP Valverde.

stage 1

Stage 2:

Monday morning DS: Wish Kittel had slipped in the rain.

stage 2

Stage 3:

Monday morning DS: From almost-nut-smasher to stage winner.

stage 3

Stage 4:

Monday morning DS: (on Sagan's DQ) Who's gonna come in fourth in sprints now?

stage 4

Stage 5:

Monday morning DS: Froome wins another Tour.

stage 5

Stage 6:

Monday morning DS: Bouhanni is a dick.

stage 6

Stage 7: 

Monday morning DS: Pre-Sagan replaced Sagan.

stage 7

Tour de France 2016: Stages 15-21

Stage 15:

Monday Morning DS: le Bore de France.

Stage 16:

Monday Morning DS: Someone remind Kristoff you're supposed to bike throw at the line, not after. Fucking noob.

Stage 17:

Monday Morning DS: Teejay should change his name to Levi.

Stage 18:

Monday Morning DS: I didn't even know Haimar Zubeldia was still racing.

Stage 19:

Monday Morning DS: Wout Poels the real MVP.

Stage 20:

Monday Morning DS: Fuck this Tour.

Stage 21:

Monday Morning DS: Kittel's poverty gear = three mechanicals LOL. #iamspecialized

Tour de France 2016: Stages 8-14

Stage 8:

Monday Morning DS: New respect for Froome for smacking the fuck out of that fat banana looking dude.

Stage 9:

Monday Morning DS: If Dan Martin ate Chris Froome, he'd still be skinnier than Sagan.

Stage 10:

Monday Morning DS: Sagan gonna Sagan.

Stage 11:

Monday Morning DS: "Shit happens, at least I didn't get beaten, that's the positive we can take home." That's a real Cav quote from today. Translation, "bro, at least I didn't lose."

Stage 12:

Monday Morning DS: Sidi gonna start making running shoes now.

stage 12

Stage 13:

Monday Morning DS: Cancellara lost to Quintana. Def time to hang it up.

Stage 14:

Monday Morning DS: Kittel, that fat fuck.